About various

I am the mother of three children, my eldest daughter, in connection with her studies, moved to another city, and there began health problems: persistent cold, sore throat. But when she began to use BIONET® products, the next winter she didn't ill. Thanks BIONET®.
The ozonator in our bedroom, helped to stop seizures initial degree of bronchial asthma. In the spring and autumn, the attacks disappeared. Normalized sleep.
My husband has pain in his legs, bought magnetic insoles.
My daughter - purulent angina. Applied as a cream, Gel and Balm every 1.5 hours.
The problem of flu with little daughter solve for 2 days with the Gel, applying every 2 hours. Lubricate the nasal mucosa.
My older daughter was "corns" on the heels smeared with Foot Cream 2 weeks, the affected area, everything was gone.
The child appeared pigmentation spots on the face. Anointed Them With Balm. For 2 days the spots had disappeared.
My husband had fungus between the toes, put a drop of Balm, and at one time it passed.
My older daughter had periodontal disease. Put Gel, Elixir and Balm every 2 hours. After a week she started to improve, then brushed my teeth with the gel in the morning and evening day rinse the Elixir and magnetic water.
My daughter was heavy and painful periods. Did not help even powerful drugs. Took a course Blueberry rubbed the Balm in the lower abdomen, began to improve. Daughter feels great during menstruation.
Balm and Gel (pea on a sheet of paper, applying to the chest) and the Balm under the tongue every 2 hours - treat acute bronchitis for 3 days.
Smela, Cherkasy region
If you will on holiday with friends and alcohol can not be avoided, before using need to drink 25 drops of the elixir in 100 grams of water, after an hour again and no intoxication does not threaten you.
My friend works at the bazaar, his hands are constantly cold and often in water, as a consequence, began a terrible pain in the fingers. Two fingers are not bent, the skin is red. The doctor prescribed tablets from poliar - trit, the result was not. Started using magnetic therapy: 1 year of therapy and the use of hand cream BIONET®, after 2 weeks, the problem disappeared.
Diagnosis: ICP, tetraparesis, spastic form, does not walk or speak, osteoarthritis of both knee joints. After ingestion of tea BIONET® and elixir became more active, more trying to speak, hands were warm. Gel + active balm and pain in the knee joints disappears. Was cold, the temperature is 38.5. In the evening drink the elixir, gel + balm in the nose and well the same part lubricated of the maxillary sinus. The next day my daughter was healthy.