
Woman, 70 years. Severe pain in the hip joints. After using 1 jar of Green Shell the pain passed.
Girl, 29 years, works as a hairdresser all day on my feet. There was a strong pain in the joints, below the knee, began to bake the foot. First began to use Foot mask, there was a significant improvement. Later, purchased magnetic insoles, two weeks later, admitted that she had forgotten what a pain in the legs. Feels very good all day.
Woman, 79 years old. For 30 years pain in the joints, cold feet, high blood pressure. Already in the second year of application of the Lukab-Magnator and receiving the elixir felt considerably better. At the moment continues the treatment, satisfied with the result, grateful to the creators of the products.
Woman, 40 years old. Coxarthrosis. The disease lasted 14 years, medication did not help. The patient was offered surgery – a hip replacement. In 2002, she met with the BIONET® products. Regular intake of capsules Green Shell for six months gave a remarkable result. Resumed synovial fluid, stopped the sharp pain, the need for surgery disappeared.
Woman, 50 years old. The invalid of 2 groups on the disease of the musculoskeletal system. After surgery (removed the two drives) disturbed stop severe pain in both legs began to make veins in the legs, painful, itchy, pain at night. Pain in the bones of the big toe. By evening my legs were swollen. More than 40 minutes in the shoe could not be. Apply the products BIONET® beginning in april 2002: foot mask, magnet Lukab-Magnator (3 course), tea, in severe pain - active balm topically. Almost 3 months of treatment without any visible results, but gradually the pain began to subside. In july she was able for the last three years for the first time to wear high heels, the whole evening in the restaurant to dance. Thanks to people who acquainted me with this unique product! Thanks BIONET®.