
Helping relatives to harvest potatoes, raised his right hand basket, the result felt a pain in my shoulder, and in the evening hurts the whole hand. To relieve the pain helped me a magnetic bandage. For the past week and a half, wore a bandage on his hand (night shot) and every day I felt relieved. So in 10 days I completely got rid of pain in the hand without taking anymore drugs. During treatment do not give any stress on the arm.
Asthenic-neurotic syndrome. Used Lukab-Magnator and Gel. Feels improvement.
Woman of 50 years. After the stress suffered from insomnia. Tried many remedies. Helped copper kerchief. A woman dressed whole day in it and for the first time slept like a baby.
Male, 48 years old. An avid smoker. Complaints of cold feet, numb hands. Used 2 months Lukab-Magnator, Elixir, Balm inside. The discomfort is gone, also gone a cough.
Trostyanets, Sumy region
Woman, 45 years old. Suffered from severe migraine attacks. Magnetic therapy courses. Three months later the headaches began to disturb rare. About six months migraine have forgotten, ceased to feel the change of weather and magnetic storms.
Woman of 46 years inflammation of the facial nerve, a strong pain. Used: the balm on the tongue and topically in the form of massage. Massage balm alternated with the tooth gel. During the day, did very often. Three days later everything went.
Woman, 52 years old. Inflamed facial nerve. Locally on the cheek, eyelid, face applied 2-3 times a night active balm. By morning the redness, swelling has passed (without the use of BIONET® for treatment would be required 20 days).