Cough, chronic bronchitis
- ozonator Selva
- inhalation with elixir Bionet (to wet the cotton wool with elixir and hold it over the steam)
- active balm Biyovis to rub into the projection of the trachea, lungs and on the tongue
- fitovit
- application with the gel Bionet on lung area
- lungwort medicinal syrup
- energy cream
Medical experience
The child of five and a half years acute bronchitis, incipient pneumonia of the left hand side.
Expressed catarrhal phenomena, fever to 38 degrees and above, headache. Treatment medication for 10 days with no effect, antibiotic intramuscularly the mother refused.
Was applied: BIONET active balm under the tongue every 2 hours rubbing down the front and back surface of the chest, hands, feet, lubrication auricular, maxillary sinus. Elixir BIONET in nose in a dilution of 5 drops per 1 teaspoon of boiled water and 5капель 30 ml of warm water 3 times to drink. Tooth gel on the tongue 2 times a day, vitamins BIОNET 1 tablet morning and evening.
Treatment together with medical three weeks. Gradually passed catarrhal phenomena, fever disappeared. On the radiograph of the thorax the lungs were clear. The blood tests were all normal.
Cherkasov I. S., pediatrician, neonatologist,