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BIONET in Endocrinology and Life

My acquaintance with BIONET occurred in November 2000. First of all I, like other employees of the BIONET Company, driven by the desire to help people. Over time, I realized that one of my desires, unfortunately, not enough. The person's desire to take the first step to solving own problem is more important. And all, who believed, took this step, had patience - got the result.

Each person is different, and even banal cold with using of the Bionet products can be eliminated in one case per day, and in the other weeks is not enough, not to mention chronic endocrine pathology. I would like to focus your attention on the fact that during the exacerbations, which are possible, you should not be afraid and don't to stop using of products, and the need to consult, after all the aggravation often precedes the improvement.

From my own experience, here are the patterns of use of Bionet products with diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland and obesity.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, manifested by increasing the level of glucose in the blood, the appearance of sugar in the urine and accompanied by dry mouth, thirst and frequent urination. Varies by severity level.

Mild level — occurs in people after age 40, usually overweight, and regulated diet and glucose-lowering herbs, which often lead to constipation. The use of BIONET products is necessary not only to normalize the tests, but also for weight loss, which indicates a gradual recovery of metabolism.

The average level is characterized in that it further connect hypoglycemic agents (tablets, but if to achieve the normalization does not succeed, and insulin), but they work partially and have a side effect on the liver, gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Severe — when the body after 7 years from the onset of the disease begin to develop complications in the form of reduced vision and memory, headaches, pain in the feet and hands, the heart, etc., as well as when they are ill children and young people up to 35 to 40 years that the mandatory insulin therapy. In this case, the product helps to prevent complications, normalizes the work of the whole organism and, in particular, pancreas and liver, which is accompanied by reduction in doses of insulin, tablets, normalization of level of sugar and immune system (reduced number of viral and pustular infections on the background of immunodeficiency, typical for DM).

Based on the foregoing, it is clear that the use of BIONET products with diabetes it is essential because it affects the whole body, and the terms depend on the stage of disease and comorbidities (this applies mostly to elderly people).

1st month (in severe cases 2-3 months in a row): tea + 5-15 tablets fiber + vitamins + 15-20 drops of the elixir 3-4 times a day before meals + active balm inside and externally on the region of the pancreas 3 times per day + Lukab magnet courses (it is desirable to control the level of glucose in the blood and urine).
Next: 1-2 courses Garsilian + Fatsorber 1 capsule 3 times a day, and all that is mentioned above (without fiber).
If there is pathology of locomotor apparatus - sanavita + vitamins.

After the course of treatment is recommended to always use the gel and elixir, but in severe cases and in small doses (0.5 l) tea, fiber (5 tablets), vitamins that remove excess carbohydrate foods from the body and regulate the supply of glucose to cells that is necessary for their life. People with eye disease (cataract, retinopathy) it is necessary to lay a balm in the eyes. As for children, it is necessary a very strict control of glycemia, in order to reduce the dose of insulin and to prevent the extreme state of hypoglycemia!

Obesity, or overweight, developing from excess of food in the body, which are not fully used due to a sedentary lifestyle, and is deposited in the form of fat and promotes the development of atherosclerosis; increases the load on the heart, musculoskeletal system, etc.
Schemes are very diverse, but the weight loss effect is different for each person. It is often normal appetite gradually decreased the amount of food intake by reducing the stomach volume (from tea and from of fiber 5 tablets, 3 times before meals or instead of eating at night), normalizes the GI tract. Then, depending on weight, for 2-3 months (individually) - Garsilian + Fatsorber that not only affects lipid metabolism but also regulates the liver, cholesterol metabolism and as a result normalizes high blood pressure, headaches, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, etc. Magnetic therapy is a must, and even after taking products courses, should be continue! And this applies to all endocrine pathology.

You need to remember that rapid weight loss don't  leads to normalization of metabolism, so be patience! Well, for those who want to quickly get rid of extra pounds (2-6 kg in 1 month) - following scheme: 5 tablets of fiber + 2 marsiliana capsules + 2 Garsilian and Fatsorber 30 minutes before eating, drinking 0.5 liters of tea 3 times a day. But be sure before taking, carefully read the instructions and contraindications (kidney stones, gallbladder, high blood pressure, i.e. complete the full survey), and always carry the elixir and balm as an aid in a possible escalation, and indeed as the home kit, which should be in every home!

With regard to thyroid disease, they are very diverse and numerous, but the reasons most often are immune deficient and iodine deficiency, which lead to the development of diffuse, nodular goiters, autoimmune thyroiditis.

Therefore, the scheme starts with a reception of tea + fiber + balm internally and externally 2-3 times within 2-6 months - individually) + vitamins (toxic goiter and autoimmune thyroiditis 2-3 months with the addition of elixir 3-5 times under the tongue 5-10 drops). Then in diffuse and nodular (benign process) goiter add any sources of organic iodine (Fatsorber required if there is parallel liver disease) for 2-3 months, and for nodular goiter necessary Sanavita. Magnetic therapy - a must! Time of reception of the products are very different, because each person has their own disease duration and individual timing of the effect.

Good effect in hypothyreosis, which develop after removal of the thyroid gland. This improves or restores the bowel (usually patients suffer from constipation), liver, the General condition of the skin and mucous membranes, increased hemoglobin, etc. Fatsorber and Garsilian used for the normalization of cholesterol metabolism, which is usually disturbed, prevention or treatment of atherosclerosis, and as a result normalization of blood pressure, cessation of headaches, pain in legs etc. In conclusion, I would like once again to emphasize that there are situations in which the required individual selection of products and consulting physicians, in other cases - only your desire you need to help your own body deal with the ailment!

Boyko V.,


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