Magnetic belt BIYOVIS recommended at back pain and spine, sciatica, muscle pain, renal colic, kidney stones, joint pain.
1 pc.
Method of application
Place the magnetic belt on loin. When attaching ensure that it has not been stretched, because the circulation in this case will be broken and will cause discomfort.
When attaching the mark must be with the outer part. Magnetic belt and a knee bandage can be used all day, at night in no case.
According to the generalized results of the changes of the Hungarian radiobiology research Institute these devices on human health are not harmful.
Storage method: store in a cool, dry place, protected from sunlight! Afraid of moisture! Do not wash, only wipe with a damp cloth!
Prevent direct touching of the devices with the computer, its hard drive or other media!
Warning: Products can not be applied to persons who have an artificial heart pacemaker, automatic defibrillator, a pump to supply insulin, medicated plasters, as well as pregnant women and people suffering from circulatory problems. Do not use on open wounds!
Magnetic therapy, which was used in Ancient Egypt and China, is as old treatment method like acupuncture.
Magnetic belt and magnetic heated bandage in a special way magnetized and is tuned to the frequency fluctuations of the human body. Their application allows you to restore the oscillation frequency and the energy level of the body cells.
Because the Earth has a magnetic field and the magnetic field is familiar to our body, this process does not give much stress to our body.
Magnetic belt and magnetic bandage is easy to use, do not create feelings of discomfort, can be worn throughout the day.
Special magnetic strips sewn into the fabric base and therefore their location allows the uniform arrangement of the magnetic field.
Magnetic belt BIYOVIS recommended for people with spinal problems and diseases of the kidney, magnetic knee bandage BIYOVIS provides an excellent effect in diseases of the knee. Even short, their use has a positive effect. Condition and feel better.
Magnetic belt BIYOVIS recommended for pain in the lower back and spine, radiculitis, muscle pain, renal colic, kidney stones, and joint pain.
Magnetic knee bandage BIYOVIS is used for sprains, sciatica. Bandage accelerates the healing of fractures, reduces pain in the joint problems.