KOMBUCHA concentrate
Concentrated Kombucha removes toxic substances from the body, and helps with cleaning and the functioning of the liver and intestines and better digestion. Prevents the development of cancer.
500 ml
Use for
Detoxification of the body, stimulation of the immune system, promote healthy function of the digestive tract. Prevents the development of cancer.
Kombucha can break down the deposits in the intestine and remove them from the body without disturbing his work. Complaints of violations of the gastrointestinal terminated in most cases within 2-3 weeks systematic reception in the right dosage. Kombucha stimulates normal intestinal flora and thus activating self-cleaning mechanism of the organism and its self-healing. The concentrate ensures the absorption of important minerals and their inclusion in the physiological processes of the body. The presence of hyaluronic acid supports the lubrication of joints and regulation of the immune system. Lauric acid helps to counteract the virus in the body. The presence of glucuronic acid helps the liver get rid of various toxins and supports the immune system.
Properties of Kombucha
- Regular use increases the life expectancy.
- Reduces wrinkles , smoothes age spots on the skin.
- Prevents the development of cancer, helps in cancer (with a concentrate papaya)
- Arthritis; eases muscle pain.
- Effect on blood pressure, ensures well-being, relieves stress.
- Constipation; stops diarrhea; inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, heals haemorrhoids.
- Purifies the blood, strengthens the kidneys, dissolves gallstones and kidney stones, improves the function of the bile duct and liver.
- Promotes the release of lactic acid, helps with gout.
- Lowers cholesterol, makes blood vessels elastic, reduces inflammation in the blood vessels.
- Helps get rid of excess weight, breaks down fats, stimulates muscle tone.
- In the prostate; increased potency.
- Stabilizes glucose levels (important in diabetes).
- In diseases of the immune system.
- In patients with HIV increases life expectancy.
- For pain in the throat; cough; expectorant effect.
- Helps to regulate body temperature during menopause.
- Reduces excessive sweating of the feet.
- The treatment of cataracts.
- For skin diseases eczema, chicken pox; psoriasis.
- It's a natural antibiotic.
- Detoxification of the body.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- When oedema.
- In diseases of candidiasis.
- Antiparasitic.
- Gives mental and physical energy.
- Prevents hair loss, strengthens hair.
- Strengthens bones and teeth.
- Reduces addiction to alcohol, removes hangover.
Method of application
1:9 at 200 ml daily before meals.
Dilute in warm water or tea is not more than 40 deg.