Promotes lymphatic system work, relaxation, restful sleep and proper rest. Actively involved in maintaining a micro-capillary circulation and the permeability of the cell membrane. Helps strengthen the heart muscle.
20 bags x 2g in cardboard box
Lapacho (Tecome) - 60%, chamomile flowers, cinnamon, cloves.
Method of application
put 1 bag in the cup and pour 300 g of boiling water, wait 5 minutes to insist. To drink without sugar, in small sips.
The maximum course of 6 weeks, after that 2 month break and a 6 week course to repeat again.
children under 14 years of age, pregnant, lactation, gastritis and ulcer diseases of the stomach.
Store: in dry the dark place at a temperature to +25°C.
Tea collection Lapacho - helps the lymphatic system, relaxation, restful sleep and proper rest. Actively involved in maintaining a micro-capillary circulation and the permeability of the cell membrane. Also help strengthen the heart muscle.
Lapacho – tea from the bark of the pau d'arco tree that grows in the jungles of Argentina, Mexico and Peru. The Incas called Lapacho the "tree of life" and treated with the help of this drink inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, arthritis, anemia, asthma, impotence, hair loss etc. Today this plant is used in different clinics of South America to treat leukemia, diseases of the immune and lymphatic system, with lymphedema. Lapacho contains vitamins, 18 quinones (natural fungicides), carnosol (a powerful antioxidant), tecoman that is able to reduce the level of sugar in the blood.
Chamomile flowers contain essential oil ( 1%), azulene , glycosides. Decoctions of dried chamomile blossoms have long been used in medicine as a diaphoretic, sedative, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic remedy for cramps in the intestines, flatulence, diarrhea and eliminates fermentation.
Cinnamon is the dried bark of cinnamon trees. It contains essential oil (2%), tannins, resin. It is rich in calcium and dietary fiber. Fiber and calcium bind bile salts, after which these are harmful to the colon substances are excreted from the body. Because of this, cinnamon prevents the development of colon cancer. Also, it has antibacterial properties and helps to reduce blood sugar. Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon, may significantly affect the activity of insulin and the ability of the cells to absorb glucose.
Clove is a spice that is rich in micronutrients and vitamins. Contains protein, fats, carbohydrates, beta-carotene, b vitamins (B1, B9, PP), ascorbic acid, tocopherol, fillohinon, minerals – magnesium, iron, copper, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, manganese and zinc. A third clove consists of fiber that influences intestinal peristalsis. Clove is used as an analgesic, antispasmodic and diuretic. Improves digestion, eliminates flatulence. Clove essential oil is a powerful antiseptic that effectively fights against helminths and pathogenic bacteria. It eliminates diaphragmatic and muscle cramps, cope with the hiccups. Positive effect for arthritis, arthritis, injuries, asthma, sore throat, boils, in the case of hypotonia.