30 bags x 1.5 g in cardboard box
The composition of tea (1 bag)
- green tea - 30%;
- nettle - 25%;
- briar - 15%;
- melisa - 5%;
- mint pepper. - 5%;
- mallow - 5%;
- leaves railings - 5%;
- lotus leaf - 5%;
- bamboo leaves - 5%.
Caloric content per 100g - 0 kcal.
Indications BIYOVIS® (Bionet®) tea collection
- Different types of allergies: food, air, medications, and diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, rheumatism, nephritis, arthritis etc.
- Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis, tea collection helps to normalize the acidity of gastric juice, regulates the stool, improves biliary excretion, reducing congestion in gallbladder.
- Osteochondrosis, arthritis.
- Sand in the kidneys and gall bladder. In the presence of stones reception tea collection is recommended only after a preliminary ultrasound examination and under strict medical supervision. Possessing a powerful choleretic and diuretic effect, tea collection can help to ensure that the stone or stones will begin to "move" in the direction of the biliary tract or ureter, which can lead to hepatic and renal colic and to emergency operation. In the presence of stones in the gallbladder or kidney first recommended courses of magnetotherapy. After the sizes of the stones do not exceed 0.3-0.4 cm in diameter, you can apply the tea collection BIYOVIS to remove them from the body. Don't forget that if you gallstone and kidney stone disease an invaluable therapeutic aid in addition to the course of magnetotherapy Lukab-Magnator you will have application in everyday life of the magnet for water Q-series.
- Postoperative period for the rapid recovery of the body, strengthening his defenses, mitigate the side effects of medication.
- Period of rehabilitation after the transferred heart attacks and strokes.
- Metabolic disorders - diabetes, obesity.
- Cardiovascular disease - various types of arrhythmias, high blood pressure. Should be warned that hypertension, circulatory failure, the number of used tea collection you need to restrict.
- Asthenic syndromes, i.e., reduced work capacity, fatigue, chronic fatigue.
- Cancer, including surgery, during the chemistry and radiation therapy, because the tea collection displays the decay products of tumor cells, radionuclides, reduces the toxic effect of anticancer drugs, improves appetite, blood counts, increases immunity, restores the metabolic processes in healthy cells.
Tea collection BIYOVIS® can be used both in infant and in old age. Adults it must be applied in conjunction with magnetic therapy Lukab-Magnator to achieve the best result.
Prophylactic use - 2 times a year, treatment for 3 consecutive months followed by a break of 1 month.
In the use of tea can't add sugar, jam, if necessary you can add honey.
Due to the fact that the salt, toxins, immuno complexes at the tea reception is output through the eliminative organs: the bowels, the urinary system and the skin, must take daily shower, to monitor the functioning of the intestines, preventing constipation.
Features of use
The package contains 30 filters of tea collection. One filter is designed for 2 liters of boiling water, brew tea in any case impossible in a metal kettle, as it destroys the bio-energy plants and reduce the healing properties. For brewing filter tea collection, you must use only a glass jar or ceramic container. Infuse tea recommended no more than 20-25 minutes. First portion of tea (200g) it is necessary to drink still in bed. If possible, do not eat until 11 o'clock in the afternoon, because at this time there is an intensive cleansing of the body. Further, during the day, drink the tea in portions of 50-70 ml.
An adult should drink 2 liters of tea a day is the therapeutic dose.
The dosage for children is arbitrary — depending on the age of the child in such an amount that he can drink during the day.
Cautions for use
To limit the amount of the used tea is necessary when:
- hypertension, circulatory failure;
- impaired function of the kidneys, second half of pregnancy.
BIYOVIS® Tea collection compiled based on thousands of years of experience which includes many herbs of Eastern origin, grown in China, Japan, Mongolia, Tibet. But there are here, and herbs of European origin. It is known that this healthful beverage is not just the grass, and the crystals obtained by lyophilization, so in the tea collection BIYOVIS® stored bioenergy plants.
The human organism consists of separate cells, and you know that the cleaner the cell, the healthier the body. Use tea collection BIYOVIS® comes complete body cleansing at the cellular level.
It should be noted that the cleaning of each cell is due to the fluid motion inside the body. The introduction of large amounts of water or other solutions can only dilute the toxins, but not to bring them.
BIYOVIS Tea collection provides a complete, perfect cleaning of the organism, promotes the body's excretion of salts, toxins, toxins, destroys and removes from the body of the immuno complexes, radionuclides, sand from the kidneys and gallbladder.
BIYOVIS Tea collection don't displays the body of potassium, vitamins, trace elements, and vice versa, gives to every cell of what is lacking in the body.
Focus on unique immunoregulatory action of tea. The mechanism of action is that it destroys and excretes immune complexes. This is proven by the works of immunologists.
The question often arises, what is immune complexes and why are they harmful?
This can be explained as follows, at an affordable level. During the intake of the antigen (toxin), in response the body produces an antibody (antitoxin). This reaction is similar to reaction between strong acid strong alkali, it is irreversible and always goes only in one direction. The toxin binds to antitoxin and is excreted from the body. But in some cases this complex is joined by a blood factor - a compliment. And in this kind of "toxin-antitoxin-compliment" to leave the body can not.
These complexes circulate throughout the body, causing failure of various organs and systems manifested in different types of allergies. Immune complexes can form one way; for example, bacterial or viral infections in the blood comes in its own antigens (as a result of disintegration of cells and tissues), and they help develop autoantibodies. The formation of such autoantibodies leads to the development of severe pathological processes in the body. They are associated with polyarthritis, glomerulonephritis, rheumatic fever, nodular periarthritis, hemolytic jaundice, etc.
Thus, tea collection BIYOVIS® is a universal remedy when allergies and an increase of immune complexes in the body.