Increases the energy level of the organism, normalizes the immune system. Fills a natural source need for vitamins and minerals. Contains 100% natural ingredients!
- to amplify the energy of the body
- for the normalization of immunity
- helps to restore the normal level of alkalinity (pH)
The product contains with only the cotyledons of the wheat. Eating wheat we fill from a natural source our needs for vitamins and minerals.
The product contains vitally important vitamins (C, E, F, and B vitamins), minerals, trace elements, amino acids and enzymes. One gram of wheat grass juice contains 2.4 mg of vitamin C, 1.6 mg of vitamin B12, 10,6 mg folic acid, about 300 mg of beta-carotene, 30 mg potassium, 200 mg of iron, or 18.2 mg of zinc, 0.1 mg selenium, 300 mg of lutein.
The main active ingredient is chlorophyll, which plays the most important role in plant metabolism (metabolism). Sprouted wheat powder contains 5.4 mg/g of chlorophyll.
Sprouted wheat powder is 100% natural.
Using our technology we are able to dry the wheat and convert it into powder so that it retains its precious inner content, its natural taste and color.
powder wheat germ
in a cool, dry place, protected from light. After opening it is recommended to use within 2 months.
Method of use
1 teaspoon of wheat powder pour 200 g of warm water. Take 3 times a day after meals.