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Contribute to the increase of immunity, normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They improve metabolism, activate digestion processes, help speed up the breakdown of fats, and cleanse the body. Regulate acid-alkaline balance.
588,00 ₴

110 capsules

Viva Natura Green mix 9 is a dietary supplement in capsules.

Active ingredients

1 capsule weighing 545.45 mg (mg) contains: alfalfa - 82.9 mg, common barley - 82.9 mg, vitamin C - 44 mg, common wheat - 43.1 mg, common oats - 39.2 mg , stinging nettle – 39.2 mg, magnesium oxide (magnesium content – ​​13.11 mg) – 21.85 mg, papaya fruits – 19.64 mg, papaya leaves – 19.61 mg, parsley – 15 mg, tea – 13 mg, dill - 13 mg.
Excipients: gelatin capsule, sodium bicarbonate.

Capsules are recommended as an additional source of vitamin C, biologically active substances that have a complex effect on the body. Contribute to the increase of immunity, normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They improve metabolism, activate digestion processes, help speed up the breakdown of fats, and cleanse the body. Regulate acid-alkaline balance.

Effect of active ingredients

Soft wheat - contains chlorophyll, which has the ability to penetrate tissues, cleanse and restore them at the cellular level.
Alfalfa - strengthens the immune system, slows down the aging process of the body, strengthens the condition of the physical body, promotes sound sleep.
Barley contains SOD (superoxide dismutase) - an effective antioxidant that slows down the aging of the body. Contains proteins, minerals, vitamins, active enzymes. And also lysine is an antibacterial substance that has an antiviral, antiherpetic and fungicidal effect on the body. It is used for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases: herpes, fungal lesions, furunculosis, acne.
Oats - reduces the level of uric acid in the blood, reduces spasms of blood vessels, lowers the level of cholesterol and envelops the stomach mucosa, promotes scarring of ulcers and restoration of the structure of the liver and tissues, cleanses the blood of harmful metabolic products. It also contains tryptophan, which produces the synthesis of serotonin, which is responsible for the emotional balance of the body
L-ascorbic acid improves regeneration processes, increases the body's resistance to infections, slows down the aging process and prevents such diseases as heart attack, stroke, diabetes.
Parsley regulates metabolism, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, removes excess fluid, salts, toxins from the body, improves immunity.
Dill is aimed at supporting the functions of the pancreas, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, and improves metabolic processes.
Papaya leaves and fruits promote better digestion of food, eliminate bloating, regulate stool and fat metabolism. They neutralize toxins in the body, clean the intestines from fecal accumulations, normalize the blood sugar level, the work of the liver and pancreas.
Magnesium oxide is used for the short-term relief of heartburn, to improve digestion, to relieve symptoms of constipation, and to treat and prevent migraines.
Nettle has general strengthening properties: it increases the body's resistance to many bacteria, toxins, harmful effects of radiation, strengthens immunity. Nettle contains secretin, which normalizes metabolism, stimulates the formation of insulin and thus leads to a decrease in the amount of sugar in the blood. It is recommended to use nettle in diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and gastrointestinal tract.

Recommendations for use

  • when digestive functions are disturbed,
  • with stomach diseases, heartburn,
  • in inflammatory processes of the organs of the abdominal cavity,
  • with metabolic disorders,
  • with high blood sugar,
  • with type 1-2 diabetes,
  • with insulin-resistant diabetes,
  • when the acid-alkaline balance is disturbed.

WARNING! The product can be combined with homeopathic remedies.

Method of use

adults 3 capsules 3 times a day with water, before meals.
Precautions for consumption: increased sensitivity to individual components of the product, women during pregnancy and lactation.
Consultation with a specialist is recommended before use.

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